Guests are taken care of with fresh linens, bath & beach towels for a comfortable stay.

Due to the limited water supply at the cottages, the laundry area is reserved for the exclusive use of the cleaning & maintenance crew.

Thank you for understanding that life on the island is not always as convenient as it is stateside. Water availability is dependent upon what is collected in the cisterns from rain. When the cisterns run out, it’s necessary to have water hauled out from Cruz Bay by tanker truck at an excessive cost. Please conserve as much as you can while enjoying this island paradise.

The owner’s closet is small and intended to provide space on a temporary basis for items which an owner may want to leave for the next season. Those items must be stored in a plastic storage bin with a lid, or a suitcase, and must be easily movable by the property manager. Cost for this is a nominal $50/year. Please be mindful that no food or perishables may be stored here, or anything of a flammable or hazardous nature.


Little Cottage Interior